Federation Hall of Fame Nomination

Terry Schroeder

Terry is a tireless worker for the Federation of NW Dahlias Growers. She has been the Federation secretary for many years. Taking notes during meetings and sending them to executive board members for approval. Terry has worked closely with the past two Federation presidents, who both appreciated her help on many occasions.

She also takes care of the Federation show book which really is the Bible of the Federation membership. This is a detail oriented job that takes many hours to compile and update with the changes. There are photos to be gotten for the previous years Hall of Fame inductees and for the Dahlia of the Year, which takes time and patience. Calendars of workshops and judging classes plus meeting venues must also be tallied for this very important publication.

Terry is also responsible for the Federation newsletters. Sent quarterly, this is another publication that keeps us all on track with what is going on at the moment. The hours she spends putting this publication together, results in a very news worthy document with reminders to us all of upcoming events.

Terry Schroeder certainly should be a member of the Federation Hall of Fame.


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