Dahlia Legacy Profile
Dick and Danielle Parshall Dahlia Legacy Project Profile – Oct. 2023
Cultivating Love and Dahlia Excellence
In the world of dahlia cultivation, few names shine as brightly as Dick and Danielle Parshall, the visionary creators of “Clearview Dahlias.” Their journey is not just a tale of growing, showing, hybridizing, and selling dahlias; it’s a testament to the enduring power of their remarkable partnership and love.
For those fortunate enough to cross paths with this extraordinary couple, Dick and Danielle left an indelible mark. They were more than just enthusiasts; they were dedicated educators, eager to share their knowledge and passion for dahlias with anyone willing to embrace this colorful world.
Dick’s passion for gardening was instilled in him by his parents, hailing from the farming community of Pomeroy in Eastern Washington. After earning an education degree at Whitworth College, he embarked on a teaching career in the Edmonds School District, where he shared his love for history, physical education, and coaching basketball. His journey in education began at Lynnwood Junior High School in 1967 and culminated with his retirement in 2001.
Danielle, on the other hand, was born into a family with a background in the Washington State Patrol, leading to a nomadic childhood across Western Washington. Graduating from Wenatchee High School, she pursued an education degree at Western Washington University, combining English and math majors. She later earned her master’s degree. Her teaching career in the Edmonds School District started in 1968, spanning an incredible 42 years. Her passion for teaching matched her fervor for dahlias.
The paths of Dick and Danielle converged when Danielle came to teach at L.J.H. 1968. Divine intervention situated his history classroom directly across the hall from her mathematics classroom. It took less than a year for these two individuals to build a special relationship, get married, and embark on their remarkable journey together. As they delved into the world of dahlias, their journey became marked by an ever-deepening partnership. They learned together, worked together, and shared their passion, all of which strengthened their relationship year by year. Their love story spanned five decades, blessed with two sons who graduated from the University of Washington (David and Daniel, with Erin as Daniel’s spouse), and two cherished grandchildren (Cameron and Audrey).
Their dahlia journey had its roots in the late ’80s, thanks to a colleague chemistry teacher, Ken Rigors, who introduced them to dahlias at Mountlake Terrace High School. In the Fall Ken would bring in dahlias, place them in beakers in the staff lounge and staff would sign up to receive free dahlia tubers in the Spring. Danielle eagerly signed up for a dozen tubers, igniting their dahlia adventure in the Spring as they planted them among their vegetables, fruit trees, blueberry bushes, and iris flowers around their home in Clearview, Washington. As they continued to expand their collection, they fell in love with dahlias extended blooming season and kaleidoscope of colors.
Then, in 1993, destiny intervened when Danielle discovered an enticing advertisement for a dahlia show in Lake Forest Park. It marked the beginning of a journey that would forever transform their lives. Upon entering the Atrium at Lake Forest Park, their senses were overwhelmed by a dazzling array of colors and mesmerizing dahlia varieties. Little did they know, fate had more in store. While exploring the show, they learned that the Northgate Flower and Garden show was also happening that day, just a few miles away. With hearts captivated and curiosity in full bloom, they headed to Northgate, where the sea of dahlias left them awe-struck. Each bloom was a testament to nature’s artistic prowess. In a serendipitous encounter at the Puget Sound Dahlia Association booth, they amassed a trove of literature on dahlia cultivation, igniting a fervor that would define their journey.
Their voracious reading continued through winter, propelling them deeper into the world of dahlia knowledge. They soon joined three dahlia clubs within 30 miles of their home—the Snohomish County Dahlia Society, Puget Sound Dahlia Society, and Seattle Dahlia Society—attending meetings, forging connections, and absorbing the wisdom of the dahlia community. Visits to local dahlia farms deepened their love for these magnificent blooms.
In 1995, the Parshall’s boldly entered their first dahlia show, the Snohomish County Dahlia Society, and made it to the head table. This early success marked the beginning of a remarkable journey. Danielle loved the art of preparing single blooms, while Dick found his interest in multi-bloom staging entries. They would start by working individually and then combine efforts to ensure they got everything ready in time. Initially, Danielle placed her name on the entry tags, but their shared commitment to excellence and Dick’s competitive nature soon led to both names gracing the tags. Their partnership, with each of them contributing their unique strengths, saw Dick passionately interested and in hybridizing while Danielle enjoyed growing and showcasing dahlias.
Their collaborative efforts in hybridizing, a marriage of artistry and science, bore fruit in the form of new dahlia varieties. These were no ordinary flowers; they were living legacies of a partnership that knew no bounds. Dick’s favorite variety to work with is semi-cactus. For him it has and will always be “form first”, then color. With every “Clearview” prefixed dahlia they introduced, they etched their names deeper into the annals of dahlia history, sharing their love for these blooms with enthusiasts around the globe. Their collaborative efforts have yielded to date over 65 new dahlia varieties. And except for two, each introduction bears the revered “Clearview” prefix, and these blooms weren’t just flowers; they were living legacies of a remarkable partnership. They believed that the beauty of dahlias should be accessible to all, and their dedication to this principle left an indelible mark on the hearts of many.
Of their 65 introductions, less than 20% have been retired. This impressive track record solidifies their mantra which has always been “Quality over Quantity”. Most are named in honor of dear family members. Some are named for special friends, others simply because the name suited the bloom and in a couple cases such as Clearview Edie, dear canine companions have been immortalized. They trademarked “Clearview Dahlias” in 2000. That same year they submitted their first dahlias to the trial gardens and successfully introduced Clearview Arla and Clearview David in 2001. Not too long after that they set a goal of “winning one of those trial garden medals.” They were so new to this venture they didn’t know the difference in the medals or even about the coveted Stanley Johnson or other desirable medals signifying excellence in dahlia hybridization throughout the world. This determined duo won their first Lynn B. Dudley in 2004 with Clearview Irene. Now with 22 Derrill W. Hart’s, 9 Dudley’s, 2 Stanley Johnson’s, 2 Les Connell’s, and numerous seedling medals from England and Australia, it is safe to assume they have figured out the medals.
Beyond their own garden, Dick and Danielle took on leadership roles that positively impacted the dahlia world. Their first leadership position with their home club, was editors of the Snohomish County Dahlia Society newsletter which they shepherded from 1996 to 2006. Upon achieving Senor Judging status, they dove right into serving as Judging Evaluation Co-Chairs and Chairs of Judging Instruction for the Federation. Dick served as the third President of the Federation for an impressive 8 years from 2008-2016, while Danielle dedicated over a decade as the Treasurer of the Snohomish County Dahlia Society. Dick also led the Snohomish County Dahlias Society from 1999-2003. Their impact extended to the Classification Committee for the ADS, further solidifying their reputation as dahlia luminaries. In 2002, after retiring from teaching, Dick and Danielle established the Co-op of Snohomish Dahlia Growers, a venture that allowed them to market, advertise, sell, and ship local dahlias worldwide, showcasing their unbridled dedication to these beloved blooms. Dick continues to serve on various ADS committees and write periodic articles for the ADS Bulletin.
Between the early ’90s until 2020, Dick and Danielle traversed countless dahlia shows and 14 National shows, traveling across Washington, the United States, and beyond. It was during these events that they formed lifelong bonds and friendships with fellow dahlia enthusiasts, further enriching their journey. Their dahlias, meticulously cultivated and lovingly presented, consistently rose above the sea of competitors, earning them a place of honor at the “head table” at many events—an accomplishment that speaks volumes about the quality of their blooms and the depth of their dedication and partnership. They took home ribbons and medals of all shapes and sizes as well unique prizes too. Perhaps one of the most creative was the 10 yards of compost delivered to their home the year they won Puget Sound Dahlia Association’s Challenge Flower contest with Just Peachy in 1995. Most recently, Dick won the National Best in Show with “Clearview Cameron” at the 2023 American Dahlia Society National Show in Portland Oregon.
Sadly, on July 15, 2020, Danielle lost her battle with cancer. Yet, Dick continues to carry the torch of their shared passion, speaking with fondness about their incredible partnership and support for one another. He honored Danielle in 2020 by introducing “Clearview Danielle” to the dahlia world. A brilliant red incurved cactus that captures your immediate attention taking your breath away, just as Danielle’s smile always did when she walked into a room. Those who had the privilege of knowing Danielle can attest to the joy, smiles, and laughter she brought to all.
Dick and Danielle Parshall’s legacy lives on in the kindness, wisdom, leadership, and passion they shared with the dahlia community. We commend and honor them for the immeasurable contributions they have made to the world of dahlias and the hearts they’ve touched along the way.
Hall of Fame
Richard & Danielle Parshall of Snohomish County Dahlia Society
submitted by Washington State Dahlia Society
The Parshalls have been longtime Federation “workers”. They have done many jobs and spent so much time on Federation projects over the years. As well as being involved in the Federation, they have been active in their local society and have originated many award-winning dahlias that benefit dahlia growers around the country.
They did a wonderful job as the Co-chair of Judges Evaluation for many years. Judges could ask them at any time for information about their own judging records and they always had it up to date and were very helpful. The Parshalls took on this challenging job, that many would find very difficult, and made it appear easy.
They held judges training positions as teachers. Many of the current judges were taught in their very knowledgeable classes. They have also been the Chairs of the Judges Training for several years. They worked closely with the other judging instructors to attain an overall well-coordinated curriculum for the judging classes both north and south, including instituting a one-day training session for the judging instructors.
Dick Parshall also took over a very important job in the Federation as he became the Federation President. Replacing a president that had held the office for many years, this was a big step. He handled meetings and people with the utmost care, always being sure that everyone had the chance to be heard. Dick held that position for eight years, leading the Federation through a successful 2014 National Show.
In addition to their roles in the Federation, they have been active members on the Classification Committee for the American Dahlia Society. Both have and still are active in their local dahlia society. Danielle has been the Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer for several years.
WSDS believe that Dick and Danielle Parshall have enriched the Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers over the years and are pleased to nominate them for the prestigious recognition of the Hall of Fame.
Cultivar | Size | Form | Color | Color Description | Orig | Cnty | Year |
CANDY JAYNE | A | SC | V | WH1/PR24 | PAH- | US | 08 |
CLEARVIEW AMBER | A | SC | OR | OR10 | PAH- | US | 06 |
CLEARVIEW ARLA | M | SC | L | LV11 | PAH- | US | 01 |
CLEARVIEW ARLA ELLEN | A | SC | LB | PK22/WH2 | PAH- | US | 19 |
CLEARVIEW ARLENE | A | SC | LB | PK4/YL11 | PAH- | US | 03 |
CLEARVIEW AUDREY | BB | SC | LB | PK21/WH3 | PAH- | US | 14 |
CLEARVIEW AVIA | BB | IC | FL | RD16/YL18 | PAH- | US | 13 |
CLEARVIEW BIG MAC | A | ID | PR | PR29 | PAH- | US | 20 |
CLEARVIEW BLAZE | M | FD | FL | RD23/YL11 | PAH- | US | 20 |
CLEARVIEW CALICO | M | SC | V | PK23/RD2 | PAH- | US | 13 |
CLEARVIEW CAMERON | B | C | LB | WH0/LV7 | PAH- | US | 17 |
CLEARVIEW CAROL MARIE | B | C | DP | DP19 | PAH- | US | 21 |
CLEARVIEW CITRON | BB | IC | Y | YL9 | PAH- | US | 14 |
CLEARVIEW CLARET | B | SC | R | RD24 | PAH- | US | 08 |
CLEARVIEW DANIEL | BA | Y | YL11 | PAH- | US | 13 | |
CLEARVIEW DAVID | BB | FD | L | LV7 | PAH- | US | 01 |
CLEARVIEW DEBBY | BB | FD | LB | LV4/WH1 | PAH- | US | 12 |
CLEARVIEW DEL SOL | ST | Y | YL9 | PAH- | US | 17 | |
CLEARVIEW DOROTHY | B | SC | LB | DP21/WH4 | PAH- | US | 15 |
CLEARVIEW EDIE | A | SC | W | WH2 | PAH- | US | 14 |
CLEARVIEW EMMA | M | FD | OR | OR18 | PAH- | US | 22 |
CLEARVIEW ERIN | ST | PR | PR24/[PR33] | PAH- | US | 07 | |
CLEARVIEW GENIE | B | C | Y | YL4 | PAH- | US | 21 |
CLEARVIEW IRENE | B | SC | Y | YL4 | PAH- | US | 05 |
CLEARVIEW JAZZ | A | SC | V | PK23/DP17 | PAH | US | 20 |
CLEARVIEW JENNAE | M | FD | PR | PR27 | PAH- | US | 19 |
CLEARVIEW JENNY | B | SC | V | YL11/RD11 | PAH- | US | 13 |
CLEARVIEW JEWELL | BB | FD | L | LV11 | PAH- | US | 19 |
CLEARVIEW JONAS | A | SC | LB | PK18/YL7 | PAH- | US | 17 |
CLEARVIEW KEN | B | SC | OR | OR10 | PAH- | US | 20 |
CLEARVIEW LEROUX | A | SC | PR | PR25 | PAH- | US | 23 |
CLEARVIEW LILA | ST | L | LV11 | PAH- | US | 13 | |
CLEARVIEW LILY | B | SC | DB | DP10/YL15 | PAH- | US | 10 |
CLEARVIEW LOUISE | B | SC | LB | YL15/PK12 | PAH- | US | 11 |
CLEARVIEW MAGIC | AA | ID | DR | DR3 | PAH- | US | 05* |
CLEARVIEW MAIZE | A | SC | Y | YL5 | PAH- | US | 20 |
CLEARVIEW MICK | B | ID | PR | PR26 | PAH- | US | 17 |
CLEARVIEW MISTY | B | ID | W | WH1 | PAH- | US | 09 |
CLEARVIEW MOTLEY | B | SC | V | WH2/PR25 | PAH- | US | 17 |
CLEARVIEW NETA | BB | FD | L | LV11 | PAH- | US | 23 |
CLEARVIEW NIEVE | ST | PR | PR26 | PAH- | US | 23 | |
CLEARVIEW ORCA | B | SC | W | WH2 | PAH- | US | 08 |
CLEARVIEW PALSER | A | FD | LB | YL11/PK16 | PAH- | US | 18 |
CLEARVIEW PASTELLE | B | SC | LB | PK23/YL18 | PAH- | US | 18 |
CLEARVIEW PATAHA | ST | BR | BR1 | PAH- | US | 23 | |
CLEARVIEW PEACHY | BA | PK | PK10 | PAH- | US | 18 | |
CLEARVIEW POLARIS | A | SC | W | WH1 | PAH- | US | 11 |
CLEARVIEW ROSE’ | B | IC | DP | DP14 | PAH- | US | 10 |
CLEARVIEW ROYAL | MB | DB | PR26/PK22 | PAH- | US | 16 | |
CLEARVIEW SAFFRON | B | SC | LB | OR2/YL14 | PAH- | US | 20 |
CLEARVIEW SARAH | BB | SC | W | WH2 | PAH- | US | 20 |
CLEARVIEW SHANNON | B | IC | Y | YL19 | PAH- | US | 21 |
CLEARVIEW SHARRON | B | C | Y | YL3 | PAH- | US | 15 |
CLEARVIEW SNOWCAP | AA | SC | W | WH2 | PAH- | US | 09 |
CLEARVIEW SPLASH | B | IC | V | DP19/DP18 | PAH- | US | 19 |
CLEARVIEW SPUNKY | M | SC | DP | DP22 | PAH- | US | 17 |
CLEARVIEW SUNDANCE | A | C | Y | YL5 | PAH- | US | 13 |
CLEARVIEW TAMMY | B | SC | W | WH2 | PAH- | US | 11 |
CLEARVIEW TILLY | B | SC | W | WH2 | PAH- | US | 18 |
CLEARVIEW WHITNEY | B | SC | PK | PK22 | PAH- | US | 22 |
TROOPER DAN | A | SC | Y | YL10 | PAH- | US | 09 |
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