DLP Profile
Hall of Fame Nomination
2010 Nominee
The Evergreen State and Grays Harbor Dahlia Societies nominate Evie Gullikson to the Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Hall of Fame.
Evie served as the Federation Representative for ESDA from 1986 to July 1996. For a time she served as the Judges’ Evaluation Chair for the Federation. Evie enjoyed the “other (open-centered) types” of dahlias and promoted them at Federation shows. Evie gave programs to Federation clubs promoting “other types” and growing dahlias from seed. She assisted the Dahlias of Today staff by writing and editing articles.
She also worked on the ADS classification committee for “other types” and was instrumental in drafting revised definitions for these types in Cook’s Manual. Evie’s work with “other type” dahlias was recognized by the ADS with a medal named to honor her. The Evie Gullikson Medal is given yearly to the best opencentered variety on both the ADS bench evaluation and in the trial gardens. It is rumored that Evie started the dahlia virus research fund at WSU with a donation of $125,000.00.
Evie is the originator of Goldie Gull and Powder Gull.