DLP Profile

Hall of Fame Nomination

Rosa and husband Bill Beer were bitten by the dahlia bug in the early 1990s and immediately began to actively support and promote the growing and judging of dahlias by the general public.

Her passion for dahlias was infectious and her commitment to educate and train new judges was an inspiration to all. Rosa’s determination to instill into the Vancouver Dahlia Society (VDS) members and judges “that dahlia form and colour were the main issues for a judge” still resonates in this member’s memory.

Rosa took an active role in building the Vancouver Dahlia Society throughout the 1990s and on into the new century. Rosa and Bill both served in many positions on the VDS executive board including president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. She co-chaired many annual VDS shows where Rosa welcomed competitors from all over the Pacific Northwest. She was instrumental in organizing and co-chairing the American Dahlia Society’s National show held in Vancouver in 1996.

Over the past 20 years Rosa has taken an active role in the Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers and the American Dahlia Society. She co-chaired the Membership Committee of the Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers, was the VDS club representative for the Federation, and taught many workshops on judging and clerking. After Bill’s passing in 2001, Rosa maintained her work for the Federation, VDS, and ADS and continues to enjoy the growing and promoting of dahlias. There are many judges and society members today in the Pacific Northwest that can trace their inspiration, passion, and education about dahlias to Rosa Beer.


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